



一種新的美白成份,結合生物能(cFIR)材料 New Drug Delivery Systems - Skin Whitening Products with Far-Infrared Ray


生物能(cFIR)對綠茶提昇抗氧化和兒茶素 Far-Infrared Irradiation on the Antioxidant Activity and Total Phenol of Green Tea








生物能(cFIR)對巨噬細胞內產生攜鈣蛋白(calmodulin)之影響 Effects of somatothermal far infrared on RAW 264.7 macrophages


生物能(cFIR)作抗氧化(清除過氧化物)之影響Effects of Far Infrared on Hydrogen Peroxide-Scavenging Capacity macrophages


生物能(cFIR)增加溶液中植物有效成份的方法A method to increase effective constituents from a plant


生物能(cFIR)對抗過氧化氫的氧化壓力 Effects of Far infrared on Oxidative stress from hydrogen peroxide


生物能(cFIR)在哺乳類巨噬細胞的影響 Effects of Ceramic Far infrared Radiation on Murine Macrophage


生物陶瓷材料(cFIR)在室溫下對乳癌細胞(MCMF-7)之MTT及細胞內產生之一氧化氮的影響 The Effect of BIOCERAMIC Material(cFIR) under Room Temperature on MTT and Intracellular Generation of Nitric Oxide in Breast Cancer Cells(MCF-7)


生物陶瓷材料(BIOCERAMIC)之遠紅外射線對老鼠黑色素瘤細胞成長之抑制作用 Inhibitory Effects of Bioceramic Material (BIOCERAMIC) with Far-infrared Irradiation on Murine Melanoma Cell Growth


生物能應用在田徑賽選手的表現 A pilot study of BIOCERAMIC for hman athletic performance


Biological effect of ceramic powder emitting far infrared ray in room temperature(BIOCERAMIC) on microcirculation, heart rate, metabolism, oxygen saturation and performance during excercise.
